• Goldilocks and the Three Bears

    Traditional fairy tales: Children's book for kids 2-5 years: With rhyming text

    Sénder, Jöse Edicions del pirata Ref. 9788417210359 Ver otros productos de la misma colección Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    The classic fairy tale Goldilocks is brought to life in this book! Fantastic, fun, full-color illustrations go with the story, which is written in verse. Goldilocks lives in the woods with her granny. One day, she sneaks into the house of three bears without permission and turns everything upside ...
    Dimensiones: 220 x 220 x 9 cm Peso: 250 gr
    No hay estoc, te lo pedimos
    12,95 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-84-17210-35-9
    • Encuadernacion : Cartoné
    • FechaEdicion : 01/01/2022
    • AñoEdicion : 2022
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autores : Sénder, Jöse
    • Ilustradores : Guerrero, Laia
    • NumeroPaginas : 28
    • Coleccion : Rhyming Fairy Tales
    • NumeroColeccion : 4
    The classic fairy tale Goldilocks is brought to life in this book! Fantastic, fun, full-color illustrations go with the story, which is written in verse.

    Goldilocks lives in the woods with her granny. One day, she sneaks into the house of three bears without permission and turns everything upside down. After a well deserved scolding from Grandma, Goldilocks will have to apologize to the bears and make up for the damage.

    Kids will learn that bad actions have consequences and they have to put theirselves in the place of others.

    Strong Points:

    - Classic fairy tale with rhyming text.

    - Adapted for easy reading.

    - Language is understandable for the age.

    - The quality format makes the difference compared to other simpler editions.

    - Color illustrations, double page and very striking.

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